Web Impersonation and 3rd Party Phishing – Zelle

There is an emerging web impersonation tactic being used by threat actors called third party phishing. Phishing is one of the oldest, most common, and most successful types of cyber-attacks. In a traditional phishing attack, a single organization is targeted.
What is Smishing?

Smishing is a form of phishing that uses text messages (SMS + Phishing = Smishing), where bad actors pretend to be a legitimate organization in hopes of tricking the victim into visiting a fraudulent website, clicking on a link that downloads malware, or getting personal or account information.
Sure Ways to Spot a Scammer

Scammers say and do things that can tell us they’re lying — and they’re not who they pretend to be. Of course, to hear or see those clues, we have to get past the panic scammers make us feel, thanks to the so-called emergencies they try to create. And since scammers are convincing, that can be hard to do. But recent scams are costing people their life savings, so here are some sure ways to spot the scammer.
Account Takeover Attacks

Account takeover (ATO) attacks are on the rise and members of financial institutions all over the United States are falling victim. During a Credit Union threat analysis meeting, it was shared that a woman in Westchester County, NY learned that she had fallen victim to an ATO attack and had over $30,000 stolen from her account. Although all types of accounts are vulnerable to ATO’s , the ones that are the hardest to recover from are financial accounts.
How to Recognize a Phone Scam

People lose a lot of money to phone scams — sometimes their life savings. Scammers have figured out countless ways to cheat you out of your money over the phone. In some scams, they act friendly and helpful. In others, they threaten or try to scare you.
Tech Support Scams

You get a phone call, pop-up, or email telling you there’s a problem with your computer. Often, scammers are behind these calls, pop-up messages, and emails. They want to get your money, personal information, or access to your files. Continue reading about protecting yourself from Tech Support Scams.
Top Scams to Watch for in 2024

Online scammers are always in hot pursuit of new ways to separate you from your money, and this year is no different. Taking a look at some of the top scams trending this year can help you avoid becoming the next cybercrime statistic.
Your Data for Sale on the Dark Web

As much as we love the convenience of our digital world, we know a hefty price tag can come with it. The world is full of bad actors whose goal is to get their hands on our sensitive, personally identifiable information, or PII. Should you find your PII is for sale on the dark web, it helps to know there are options for doing something about it, even if you think it’s too late. Just some of that hijacked PII can include passwords, email and physical addresses, Social Security numbers, financial accounts, and much more.
Phishing and Spoofing Tips

Cybercriminals attempt to lure users to click on a link or open an attachment that infects their computers or mobile phone and makes the user vulnerable to an attack. Think twice because cybersecurity is the collective responsibility of everyone.
Protect Yourself from Cybercriminals this Holiday Season

Five tips to keeping yourself safe from cybercriminals during the holiday season.
Three Ways to Protect the Personal Info on Your Phone

Imagine carrying a written copy of all your conversations with you everywhere you went. Or copies of your account numbers, usernames, and passwords. Well, your mobile phone holds all that stuff — and maybe more. Here are three things you can do today to protect the personal information on your phone.