The telephone scam consists of individuals receiving an automated call, that states that their credit union is trying to verify their debit card information, press #1 to verify and then enter your 16 digit debit card number. This is a phishing scam. If you receive a phone call like this, do not enter your card number.
Similarly, the cellphone scam entails individuals receiving a call or text message that their debit card has been blocked and that they need to reactivate their card. You are asking to either press '1' or call back and 800 number which will prompt you to enter your card number and pin. DO NOT DO THIS. This is a scam to get your card information. This is a nationwide vishing scam that is targeting financial institutions. Any call that asks you to input your card number and PIN number in not legitimate.
Please remember First Heritage would NEVER ask for this information via phone, text message or email.