Man using phone as calculator

Mobile Wallet

The easy, secure and contactless way to make payments with your mobile device!

Easy - Secure - Contactless

With mobile wallet, you can securely store your First Heritage debit or credit card details to make purchases at a store with your mobile device, or online with your computer or other device. Mobile payments are a safe, easy and fast way to make purchases. Simply place your device over a participating store's contactless reader to make your purchases.

Apple Pay Logo

Apple Pay is the easy, secure and private way to make purchases with your iPhone®. You can also use it on your phone or iPad® to make purchases in certain apps.

Samsung Pay Logo

Samsung Pay is the mobile payment service that works almost anywhere you can swipe or tap your card. It's highly secure and simple to use with the latest Samsung Galaxy devices.

google pay logo

With Google Pay, users can pay with their mobile device at more than a million stores across the U.S.

mobile banking icon illustration
"The technological aspect of banking with FHCU (online, mobile, etc.) is convenient and updated."

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"Easy use of online/app functions,
very friendly and helpful staff."