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Scam Alerts

Don't fall victim to a scam!

Read about the most common scams. If you've recently been a victim to a scam or experienced fraud on your account please contact us by calling 800-833-3338 or Schedule an Appointment.

We have been notified that members of other credit unions in New York State have received automated phone calls trying to obtain their card information. The automated call states that their credit union is trying to verify their debit card information, press #1 to verify and then enter your 16 digit debit card number. This is a phishing scam. If you receive a phone call like this, do not enter your card number. Please remember First Heritage would NEVER ask for this information via phone, text message or email.
The criminals who carry out romance scams are experts at what they do. They spend hours honing their skills and sometimes keep journals on their victims to better understand how to manipulate and exploit them.

"Behind the veil of romance, it's a criminal enterprise like any other," said Special Agent Christine Beining. "And once a victim becomes a victim, in that they send money, they will often be placed on what's called a 'sucker list,'" she said. "Their names and identities are shared with other criminals, and they may be targeted in the future."

To stay safe online, be careful what you post, because scammers can use that information against you. Always, use reputable websites, but assume that con artists are trolling even the most reputable dating and social media sites. If you develop a romantic relationship with someone you meet online, consider the following:

  • Research the person's photo and profile using online searches to see if the material has been used elsewhere.
  • Go slow and ask lots of questions.
  • Beware if the individual seems too perfect or quickly asks you to leave a dating service or Facebook to go "offline."
  • Beware if the individual attempts to isolate you from friends and family or requests inappropriate photos or financial information that could later be used to extort you.
  • Beware if the individual promises to meet in person but then always comes up with an excuse why he or she can't. If you haven't met the person after a few months, for whatever reason, you have a good reason to be suspicious.
  • Never send money to anyone you don't know personally. "If you don't know them, don't send money," Beining said. "You will see what their true intentions are after that."
If you suspect an online relationship is a scam, stop all contact immediately. And if you are the victim of a romance scam, file a complaint with the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.
In the wake of the nationally televised Global Payments card breach, the next several days or weeks are critical for members to be on the alert for any suspicious emails, text messages or phone calls requesting personal or financial information, especially card data. The card information that may be requested includes, cardholder billing address, 3 digit CVV2/CVC2 code found on the back of the card, or enrollment criteria/passwords for Verified by Visa® or MasterCard SecureCode. This card information was not part of the recent Global Payments breach. Criminals may ask members for this information to add to the other card data they may have obtained from the breach to perform card present (key entered) or card-not-present (mail/telephone/internet) non-magnetic stripe transactions.

Please remember to never respond to emails, text messages or phone calls requesting this type of information. If you receive a suspicious request, immediately contact the credit union.
Recently we have had some members call in and let us know that they have received a call or text message (on their cell phone) that their debit card has been blocked and that they need to reactivate their card. You are asked to either push “1” to reactivate your card or call back an 800 number. If you do either of these you will be prompted to enter your card number and pin number. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. This is a scam to get your card number.

Please remember First Heritage would NEVER ask for this information via phone, text message or email. If you have provided this information please call us IMMEDIATELY at 800-833-3338 or 936-4667 so we may assist you.
This is a nationwide vishing scam that is targeting financial institutions. Any call that asks you to input your card number and PIN number in not legitimate.
Some internet banking users are being prompted to enter sensitive information once accessing the Internet Banking sign-on screen. This screen is caused by malware or a Trojan on the user’s machine. The fraudulent screen asks for sensitive information such as your card number and PIN. If malware or a Trojan on your computer directs you to this screen DO NOT provide any information and have your computer scanned for malware or Trojans. Please be aware that First Heritage will never ask you for sensitive information when logging into internet banking. If you have provided your card number when logging in please contact us immediately at 1-800-833-3338.